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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Colours Choices for Signs - Part One.

ie: – The white and light colours on the Black background of this web page;
( which not everyone likes because of readability. )
It’s harder on the eyes when there is a lot of type, small type, Serif letters* and especially being backlit – The light in this case is from the computer screen – behind the white letters. Like an electric sign.
Please Bear with me on this webpage – I’m after a look – but I’m not an expert on webpage settings etc.

Most people including designers and creative people, often start with colour schemes that Feel Right. Instinct telling ‘em what Looks right. Or Just ‘Cause. And sometimes it doesn’t work.
Because there are a lot of considerations if you want the ultimate choice.

These are the factors to consider when thinking about colour choices for signs

Attention Grabbablity.
Visibility .
Image to be portrayed
Lighting and backlighting
Distance from which it will seen
Corporate format / theme.

Size and amount of lettering
Size and amount of space around the messages
Typeface used.
Pictures / graphics included in layout
Tonal values of those pictures / graphics
And if we are talking about neon signs -
ven the temperature can affect colours

The Sheen ( gloss, semi, flat, texture, metalic ) of the lettering and the background also affect the visibility and inter-reaction of the colours.

Wholy, Moly ! - I hear you say, I don’t want it complicated !

Well it isn’t really, and your Sign Professional can worry about it for you.
That’s our Job. To Create for you the ultimate sign to fit your Needs.
My vast knowledge and experience in the Sign Biz is here for you.
Please feel free to contact me for any advice or question you have about signs.
Because I Am Cliff - The Signs Guy.

Colour Choices for Signs - Part Two and Three in the near future.

* Serif - There are two basic categories of letter styles; Serif and Sans Serif. Those with little lines /sticks at the top and bottoms of each stroke of a letter and the straight strokes without those little sticks

By The Way – I’m not doing this to sell you anything. neccessarily – This is my passion and has been for 26 years. And I love writing about it in the creation of brochures explaining things about the biz. I’ve explained some of these things to clients (and fellow, untrained sign makers ) many times over my career. My father was very inspirational for me. He was a signwriter himself and I have several stories about him in the future. He knew all the theory and passed much on to me.

My portfolio is available – not yet by link, but for now, by contacting me first.
Spiffy Cliffy