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Friday, December 03, 2004

Is that why I haven't heard from any of my old sign buddies lately ?

Well – upon a bit of exploring the web prompted by a local sign gal, How To Buy Signs as a topic is covered rather well by a few different places. GEE ! I suppose being a sign guy, I didn’t feel any reason to see what’s already on the web – There is quite a bit, much of it well written and complete. And some information is repeated in various places.

But nowhere did I see a lot of the things about the biz that I’ve put down here.
So henceforth, I shall change this Blogspot name from How to buy signs.
“ Follow the Signs “ was the title of what was my 13 minute radio audio collage / documentary that was on CBC radio one at the beginning of the summer. My producer, The Honourable Steve Wadhams pulled it from the pages and hours of STUFF we had while piecing together my show. His blurb on the archives at says :
“Cliff Perry of Alliston, Ontario knows how to read signs and he knows how to make them. He's a traditional sign artist who's made the transition to the computer era with most of his passion for the trade still intact. He's also found that when life throws him a curve, a sign is always there to help get him back on track.”

So henceforth, I shall continue with my writing, Because I want to, Because I have a lot of stories that when told have in the past, have piqued the interest in people who’ve had the interest to listen, or indeed those who’ve had to work with me and couldn’t get away from my story telling of my past lives.
I have the contents of a book here in this manic – head; I also have the energy, Passion and the will to carve a book out of me. And I think that this BLOG has given me the impetus to Write Every day. Which I have thoroughly enjoyed !
No more pretentious know-it-all-and-you-won’t-read-it-anywhere-else shite.
Just interesting stories and Information on my biz; the Sign Biz !

See you tomorrow.